Are You a Goal-Getter?

Goals are great and needed, but what good are they if you never enjoy the goals you’ve already achieved?

I love goals - - setting them, planning them, dreaming about reaching them…the whole bit.

I know that I can tend to get so focused on my goals that I don’t even allow myself to soak up the steps I’ve already achieved toward that goal.

Does that sound familiar?

Having goals are great, but it’s the small baby steps that get us there. I encourage you to stop and notice the baby steps that you’ve already achieved. To soak in how it FEELS to have hit those milestones towards your bigger goal.

It’s so important to do this because it helps keep you motivated towards the big goal. It gives you an extra push to keep going.

Another great idea I’ve learned along the way is to set up a system of small rewards so that if you are hitting those baby steps, you are rewarding yourself. This is a big one to keep you motivated and moving forward. Those rewards can be as simple as treating yourself to a favorite coffee, get a pedicure, taking yourself out to lunch, buying a new shirt you’ve been eyeing, etc.

If you’re feeling frustrated today, I encourage you to try to switch your focus to what’s right in front of you.

To tap into and enjoy what you’ve already achieved.

To truly absorb how far you’ve come.

I bet you may surprise yourself.

As humans, we are conditioned to want more. To chase ALL the shiny objects. But what happens is that, while we are chasing the next shiny object, life is zooming past us. Then, at some point, we realize we’ve never actually slowed down enough to enjoy any of the fruits of our labor.

So I encourage you to slow down, identify and write out what you’ve accomplished so far this year, YOUR successes small and big. Remember where you were just a year or two ago. Wow, right? I’d love for you to share one with me in the comments below.

And let me just remind you in case you haven’t heard it lately, you’re doing an amazing job and you deserve all the good things in life.


Letting Go of the Idea of Balance


There’s Freedom in the Word “No”