Parts Work Therapy in Florida
What is Parts Work Therapy?
Parts Work Therapy is an umbrella of therapies that focuses on the premise that every person has different parts. Parts, meaning versions of us, both healthy and unhealthy, that were made throughout our lives. Parts Work Therapy can also be known as “Ego State Therapy” or “Inner Child Healing.”
According to attachment science, we form crucial connections with our caregivers as children. However, we can be wounded by one or both parents in many ways. I often work with clients whose parents cared for their basic needs but did nothing to attend to their emotional needs. They failed to make them seen, heard, validated, and given consistent, safe, and secure love.
What Does Parts Work Therapy Help With?
I use the Ego State Therapy approach based on the Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy by Shirley Jean Schmidt, MA, LPC. With these resources, you can find healing for chronic childhood issues such as:
A substance-abusing parent.
A parent with a mental health issue.
A parent with a serious and/or chronic health issue.
Instability in the home due to financial issues.
A parent who had multiple romantic partners in and out of the home.
An absent parent or parent who had sporadic involvement in your life.
A narcissistic parent.
Physical, verbal, and sexual abuse.
And many other issues.
How Do I Know Parts Work Therapy Could Be Helpful For Me?
If any of the following resonates, Parts Work Therapy could be beneficial for you.
You’ve tried talk therapy with little to no success.
You have ongoing or unresolved issues with one or both of your parents.
You’ve tried many techniques and strategies on your own but still haven’t found the healing you desire.
You feel a sense of being stuck but don’t know how to fix it.
You’re ready to dive deeper to get to the actual root of your problems.
You feel a sense of having a child-like part inside that hasn’t been healed.
You struggle in romantic relationships.

Stop simply existing and start fully living.