
Maria Inoa Maria Inoa

4 Boundaries For Overbearing In-Laws

You’re engaged or more recently married and struggling with in-laws that don’t respect your boundaries. Maybe you’ve been dealing with it for a long time and are tired of the frustration. Do your in-laws come over whenever they want? Do they want to spend every weekend with you and your significant other. Perhaps you’re in-laws…

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Maria Inoa Maria Inoa

4 Ways to Cope With Your Mother-in-Law Telling You How to Parent

Maybe you’re a first time mama just learning the ropes of life with a newborn or maybe you’re a pro and just had your third child. Are you struggling to cope with a mother-in-law (MIL) that tells you how you should parent your baby? Maybe they have an opinion about how and what you feed…

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Maria Inoa Maria Inoa

How to Cope with Anxiety During Bad Weather

No matter where you live, you likely have to live with the threat of some type of bad weather. In Florida, we have hurricane season around half the year. Predictions are always made as to how many and how severe the hurricanes will be in a given year. It’s mostly just a guessing game. Bad…

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Maria Inoa Maria Inoa

Is Therapy or Counseling Right For Me? (Guest Blog)

When I was in my twenties I wondered if therapy or counseling was right for me? I had gone a few times as a rebellious teenager and didn’t really feel I got anything from it to be honest. Mostly I felt judged for my “attention-seeking” promiscuity and being sexually active. I believed therapy and counseling…

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Maria Inoa Maria Inoa

When Your Dreams & Reality Don’t Mesh

I think for most of us, as little girls and teens, we dreamt of life as an adult. Where we would live, where we would travel, our job, our social life, our dream home, and on and on. We had dreams, big dreams. Then you become an adult, and what happens? You realize it’s hard,…

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Maria Inoa Maria Inoa

Is Self-Care Selfish?

Part 3 of The Wonder Woman Series Your busy juggling all the things. Work, kids, cleaning, cooking, appointments, extracurricular activities, and on and on. As women, taking care of ourselves often falls to the bottom of our to-do list. It’s not until we reach a breaking point, do we ask for help or demand it…

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Maria Inoa Maria Inoa

The Secret to Success

Part 1 of the Wonder Women Series Jane is a good student. Jane works hard in high school. She gets good grades. Applies for scholarships. Success! Off to her first-choice college Jane goes, scholarships in hand. Finishes college. Make the Dean’s list, Summa Cum Laude to be exact. Bachelor’s in hand, she goes off and…

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Maria Inoa Maria Inoa

(Guest Post) 3 Conversations to Have Before You Have a Baby

There are a few conversations to have before you have a baby! Do we both want kids? Yes, one and done/ two and through! Will one of us give up a career to stay home or both continue to work? You agree on naming one child after his late father, and you both want your…

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