Starting Your Day the Best Way Possible

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

I’m more of a morning person but not too early. 😬

I’ve also found that there have been phases of my life where mornings have been tougher even though I function best earlier in the day.

With all of our electronic devices, it’s so easy to pick them up first thing in the morning.

HOWEVER, if you had to choose ways to start your day on the wrong foot, jumping on social media first thing is one of them. OR checking your email, especially if it’s your work email.

I’m guilty of doing this, too. In fact, just recently I realized I had gotten into the habit of scrolling on my phone first thing. I didn’t use to but somewhere along the way I started doing this.

It’s really tough to not reach for your phone.

I struggle too.

As women, we are typically carrying a large mental load, so it is important to think about HOW using your phone FIRST thing affects you AND how you show up for your day.

I’m betting that as an ambitious woman, you want to show up as the best version of yourself for your partner, co-workers, family, etc.

Here are a few options to work into your morning when you’re still in bed OR just getting out of bed.

☀️Take a few slow, deep breaths - in through your nose and exhaling out your mouth.

☀️Smile (yep so simple but also very effective)

☀️Say a short prayer

☀️Say a positive mantra like “today’s going to be a great day” or “I’m expecting great things to happen today”.

☀️Create a music playlist that matches the mood you want to take on into the morning. You may have a couple, one that’s calming and one that’s more upbeat.

☀️Snuggle with your pet.

☀️Stretch - literally a simple stretch up to the sky a few times is a great way to get the blood flowing and your body feeling good.

☀️Step outside - walk the dog or just stand outside for a few minutes. Breathe in the fresh air and feel the early morning sunshine on your face.

Give yourself a little time before you grab your phone. I promise it’ll make a big difference.❤️

Which one are you going to try?


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