Things to Say to Your Inner Child to Re-Parent Her

What the heck is an inner child?

It’s the version or versions of yourself holding onto wounds from your childhood and teenage years. Very often, these versions (also referred to as parts) are younger versions of yourself.

Inner child work is a different and more gentle way to look back at the small and big traumas you may have experienced. This work looks at the version of you holding onto the bad event versus just talking about the bad event itself.

Inner child work seeks to heal that version or part of you that suffered through the negative events of childhood including your teen years and young adulthood.

The work truly unfolds beautifully as you learn just how to heal that part of you.

Your inner child needs to hear certain things from you because they are often holding onto the bad memories from your past.

They may feel scared, angry, sad, etc.

They are often super stuck and need your help to be able to let go of what they’ve been carrying.

Speaking with kindness, gentleness, and love to your inner child is a beautiful way to start bringing a sense of healing to yourself.

Here are some affirmations to direct towards your inner child that you can try:

You are safe.

You are loved.

You are important.

What you have to say is important. I’m listening.

It wasn’t your fault, and it’s not your responsibility to carry.

I see you. Know that you are perfect just the way you are.

You are worthy of good things.

What would you add to the list?


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